Future Proof Your Hearing!

Approximately 1.7% of people worldwide experience noise-induced hearing loss. Individuals who use headphones in an already noisy environment are at a 4.5-fold higher risk of hearing loss. Long or repeated exposure to sounds at or above 85 dBA can cause hearing loss.  Medical World Today, September 2022 Now more than ever young people are being […]

Diabetes and Hearing Loss

Diabetes and Hearing Loss Hearing loss is common and effects 1 in 6 people in Australia. While it’s typically part of the ageing process, there are a number of factors that can affect your hearing – including prolonged exposure to loud noise, as well as certain diseases and conditions, and a link has been found […]

Introducing Signia IX – unleash the power of conversation

Finally, a hearing aid built for real conversations. Unleash the power of conversation. With Signia Integrated Xperience, every word you say, every laugh you share, and every story you tell enhances all life’s essential moments. This is about more than just hearing better. It is about giving you the confidence to engage, interact, and contribute, […]

October 10th is World Audiologist Day

October 10th is World Audiologist Day. The day is dedicated to healthcare professionals who identify, assess, and manage disorders of hearing, balance, and other neural systems. Hearsmart is The One-Stop clinic which provides balance, dizziness and tinnitus assessments and solutions and children’s hearing assessments along with hearing solutions under Hearing Service Program, Department of Veteran Affairs and […]

Water fun and ear protection

Summer fun in the water and ear protection Summer is fast approaching, and holidays are on our mind. With that in mind we should start to think about keeping our ears safe this summer and preventing water induced ear infections. Here at Hearsmart our audiologists are experienced in taking impressions of your ears to create […]

Workplace Company Testing

WORKPLACE COMPANY TESTING The hearing industry and Work Safe has called for an increased awareness of hearing health for industries in noisy environments. Any workplace whose employees are frequently required to use personal hearing protection to prevent occupation hearing loss are required to test their employees. Why hearing tests are important? Working in an industry […]

Spring Cleaning Tips

Spring Cleaning Tips…. Spring has now officially bloomed here in Melbourne making this is an ideal time to give our hearing aids a bit of a spring clean, which is essential to ensure they work to their full potential. Cleaning and maintaining our hearing aids is important for well-functioning and long-lasting hearing aids to ensure […]

Spring is in the air!

Spring is in the air! Spring often signals a time of planning and renewal.  It’s the season many of you bring your hearing aids in for a “spring cleaning”. It’s also the time of year people who have been on the fence about treating their hearing loss finally decide to do something about it. After […]

Children’s Hearing Assessments

Your Child’s Hearing Needs Children can be very good at compensating for hearing issues. Outer or middle ear issues (such as ear infections or middle ear effusion, commonly known as glue ear) are very common in children and can cause a temporary hearing loss which may affect speech and language development, behaviour and academic performance. […]