• What are the different types of hearing loss?

    1. Conductive hearing loss
    This is caused by injury to, or problems with, the bones, eardrums and membranes, which carry sound from the external ear through the middle ear to the inner ear. This type of hearing loss can sometimes be medically or surgically corrected.

    Examples of conditions that may cause a conductive hearing loss include :

    • Conditions associated with middle ear pathology such as
      • Fluid in the middle ear from colds,
      • Allergies (serous otitis media),
      • Poor eustachian tube function,
      • Ear infection (otitis media),
      • Perforated eardrum, and benigntumors
    • Impacted earwax (cerumen)
    • Infection in the ear canal (external otitis)
    • Presence of a foreign body
    • Absence or malformation of the outer ear, ear canal, or middle ear

    2. Sensorineural hearing loss
    Also known as nerve deafness occurs when the bones, eardrum and membranes are intact but the inner ear (cochlea) deteriorates as the result of causes that can include the aging process or degeneration of nerves (retrocochlear) leading from the inner ear to the brain.

    Examples of conditions that may cause a sensorineural hearing loss include :

    • Diseases
    • Birth injury
    • Drugs that are toxic to the auditory system
    • Genetic syndromes
    • Noise exposure
    • Viruses
    • Head Trauma
    • Tumors

    3. Mixed hearing loss 
    This is when there are elements from both conductive and sensorineural hearing loss. This occurs when there is damage or disturbance to the outer or middle ear and damage to the inner ear.

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    Feel free to call us with any questions at 1 300 787 792 or book a free consultation online today

  • What are the causes of hearing loss?

    Millions of people of all ages suffer from hearing loss. It is a physical, not a mental health problem that can develop at any time. Most often, it is gradual and painless. People may not realize for several years that this problem is affecting them because it develops so slowly that at first it may be barely noticeable. It can inhibit people’s ability to experience the sounds and voices around them, which affects their own lives and the lives of those around them.

    There are many causes of hearing loss, including :

    • Aging
    • Long-term exposure to noise
    • Heredity
    • Illness
    • Reactions to medications
    • Injury
    • Ear Wax

    Need more information ?

    Feel free to call us with any questions at 1-300-787-792 or book a free consultation online today

  • What are the symptoms of hearing loss?

    Because hearing loss is gradual, you may not be aware of its extent until someone else brings it to your attention. It may be difficult to accept this news, but it is important to realize that recognizing a hearing loss is the first step toward improving the quality of your life.

    Often, higher pitched sounds, such as women and children’s voices or birds singing are the first sounds that begin to “disappear.” Then the person may notice symptoms including:

    • Difficulty hearing in public gatherings such as concert halls, theaters, or houses of worship where sound sources are far away
    • Difficulty hearing television and/or the telephone
    • Difficulty understanding conversation in group settings
    • Misinterpreting what others say
    • Hearing noise ok, but not being able to understand speech; people seem to be “mumbling” when they are speaking.
    • Hearing difficulties can be a source of embarrassment. Adults who experience them usually develop a variety of ways of coping in difficult listening situations, such as:
    • Constantly asking others to repeat themselves or speak louder
    • Turning the head to one side while listening to sounds or speaker
    • Turning up the TV, radio or stereo volume to a level that disturbs others
    • Avoiding social gatherings such as at restaurants or parties where background noise makes it difficult to understand conversation

    Need more information?

    Feel free to call us with any questions at 1-300-787-792 or book a free consultation online today

  • How do I test for hearing loss?

    In testing for hearing loss, we will administer a painless, quick and safe test that checks your ability to recognize tones and everyday words at different volume levels. The data produces a unique hearing pattern that is recorded on a chart called an audiogram. The data from your audiogram helps us to determine whether you might benefit from hearing aids or whether medical treatment is indicated.

    Hearing loss is especially prevalent in older people. If you are over age 50, consider a yearly hearing test as an important part of your physical check-up. Call Hearsmart on 1300 787 792 to book a consultation.

    The following questions will help you determine if you, or a loved one, should have a hearing test performed by a Hearing Health Care Professional. Just answer YES or NO to each question, then review the information that follows when finished. Remember, detection of a hearing problem is the first step to improving your hearing health.


    If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, you or your loved one may want to have a hearing test to determine if there’s some degree of hearing loss.

    If you suspect a hearing loss, you can call us with any questions at 1-300-787-792 or book a free consultation online today.